Realtime CAM Data
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  • CAM daily run schedules
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    Each CAM displayed on this site is run on a separate schedule. As of 16 Nov 2023, the NSSL is currently running CAMs initialized at 0000, 0600, and 1200 UTC daily. The MPAS CAMs provided by the GSL are run daily at 0000 and 1200 UTC out to 60 hrs. The HRRR and RRFS CAMs provided by the NCEP/EMC are run daily at 0000 and 1200 UTC out to 48 (beginning 12/01/22) and 60 hrs, respectively.

    Model0000/1200 UTC run
    HRRRAvailable ~0130/1330 UTC
    MPAS-HT-NSSLAvailable ~0330/1530 UTC
    MPAS-HN-NSSLAvailable ~0330/1530 UTC
    MPAS-RT-NSSLAvailable ~0730/1930 UTC
    MPAS-RRFSA-GSLAvailable ~0800/2000 UTC
    RRFS-EMCAvailable ~0230/1430 UTC
    WRF-NSSLAvailable ~0400 UTC
    WRF-NSSL 1-kmAvailable ~1200 UTC

    NOTE: after you switch models, the most recent run for the new model may not be displayed by default. The default behavior upon switching models is to use the same date and run you were viewing for the previous model, if available (or the closest run, if not available). If you wish to view the most recent run of the new model, check the calendar and the date dropdown menu to verify which runs are available.

  • MPAS run configuration
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    The Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) runs began at the NSSL in early January 2023.

    MPAS runs at the Global Systems Laboratory (GSL) began in the fall of 2024.

    The MPAS, developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) uses an unstructured centroidal Voronoi mesh and C-grid staggering of the state variables coupled with a subset of the Advanced Research WRF (ARW) model atmospheric physics. More information on the MPAS can be found here.

    The current MPAS-NSSL runs are initialized at 0000 and 1200 UTC and employ a 3-km CONUS grid with commonality in most of their physics suite. All use the RUC (NOAH prior to late March 2023) land surface model, the MYNN PBL and surface layer schemes, the RRTMG scheme for longwave and shortwave radiation parameterization, the Xu-Randall scheme for the cloud fraction for radiation parameterization, and the YSU schme for gravity wave drag by orography.

    Differences between the MPAS-NSSL runs are found in their initialization and microphysics (MP) schemes. The MPAS-HT-NSSL and MPAS-HN-NSSL runs are both initialized from the 0000 and 1200 UTC operational HRRR forecast, but use the the Thompson MP and NSSL-2 Moment MP schemes, respectively. The MPAS-RT-NSSL run is initalized from the experimental 0000 and 1200 UTC deterministic Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) run provided by EMC and uses the Thompson MP scheme.

    The MPAS-RRFSA-GSL run is similar to MPAS-RT-NSSL, taking initial conditions from EMC's deterministic RRFS and using the Thompson MP scheme. The MPAS-RRFSA-GSL run uses the latest version of GSL's MPAS convection-allowing parameterization suite; this real-time run will be updated more frequently than the other MPAS runs in order to incorporate the latest changes to the physics suite.

    The MPAS runs at the NSSL and GSL are a collaborative project between those entities and the NCAR. Runs are completed on the NOAA Jet HPC system.

  • NSSL-WRF 1-km run configuration
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    The current NSSL-WRF 1-km run began in late April 2023 with its grid expanded to full 2/3 CONUS on 1 Feb 2024.

    The NSSL-WRF 1-km run is initialized at 0600 UTC daily from the 6-hr forecast of the 0000 UTC operational HRRR. The HRRR forecast supplies the initial atmospheric, lateral boundary, and soil condition data. Physical parameterizations include the NSSL 2-moment microphysics scheme, the MYNN PBL and surface layer schemes, the RUC land surface model, and the RRTMG scheme for longwave and shortwave radiation. Forecasts are run for 30 hours.

    Runs are completed on the Mississippi State Univ./NOAA Hercules HPC system.

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